Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Great Day!

Today I met with Dr. Morrison our superintendent and Mrs. Evans the assistant superintendent about things that need to be changed to help the 5th grade band program. I called this meeting and had a list of requests including a bus to transport kids to the after school rehearsal at the high school, another rehearsal, time to teach(reading and math blocks) and a laptop computer since I go to 6 schools and have a good computer at one of them. I went in realizing I wasn't going to get everything but really wanted the bus. Both administrators listened to what I had to say and agreed with me. They did not think I was being at all unreasonable in my requests. They said there may be a problem getting a bus at the end of the day though because they may not have enough or something. Then the assistant superintendent said, "Why don't we bus them to the high school in the school day twice a week?" They do that at other schools. That would solve all of these problems. Hallelujah, yes it would! She is meeting with the elementary principals tomorrow and is going to push for it. I am pretty sure the elementary principals will not be for this so I may not get it but I really am excited that they listened to me and are going to try. I believe that some changes will be made. I also heard today that we are down 250 students this year and over million dollars will need to be cut from next year's budget. There goes my job but we will see.

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