Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Better day

Last night I was still upset about the reading/math blocks and having no time for band lessons and I guess I tossed and turned all night. Gerhardt went and slept on the couch. I slept okay but must have been thinking about scheduling. Today was a better day. It started off kind of sad though. Normally if I get Anne out of bed the first thing she says to me is, "ungy" (hungry). If Gerhardt gets her up she says, "Go Mommy". Today I got her up and she said, "Go Jamie's". Jamie is her daycare provider. Gerhardt took her to daycare today and when she gave Mommy a hug and kiss goodbye this morning she did cry a little so I guess she does still love Mommy.
I started off my day at Corse Elementary. This is where the super awesome principal who sings, plays guitar and was an All-State trombone player was. He left the end of July. I had wanted to be assigned that building because of him but wasn't. He was also the music supervisor in charge of all the music staff in the district. The new principal is the old principal from James Madison and I like him a lot too. I really wish I had been assigned that school. The 5th grade teachers are awesome and said take the kids whenever you can. One of the teachers is a pretty cool guy that I taught with at James Madison. He told me, "You can come in my room at anytime and take 10 kids without giving me any notice and I won't get upset." The general music teacher there is a hoot. I think it would be a fun place to be. I may have to schedule some planning time (if I have any) there. I was also able to finally recover all the 5th grade files on the computer and schedule recruiting times and lesson times at North Hill. They were pretty flexible too. Actually the new 5th grade teacher at North Hill told me he plays trombone. I asked if he still could and he said, "Yes I live in Fort Madison and play in the municipal band in the summer." He agreed to help me recruit by bringing his trombone. Pretty cool. I still have lunch duty tomorrow and I am working with Kindergarten. I will survive. At least I am bigger than all of them at the elementary building!
Ted also paid me a huge compliment today. He told me not to worry about getting the numbers up because that will take time but he knew I was going to give the kids a great start. That was really nice.
I am exhausted. I was at school all day and then we had open house from 5-7. The first day is tomorrow!

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