Sunday, August 16, 2009

Anneliese's second birthday party

Yesterday we had Anneliese's 2nd birthday party. Her birthday is not until the 18th but that is a Tuesday and I will be back at school. It was also Grandpa Borchardt's birthday on Saturday so we celebrated both. Grandma and Grandpa Borchardt came from St. Ansgar, Cousin Karen came from LeClaire and Great Aunt Karla and Cousin Emily came from Cedar Rapids. The Burlington Lachnitts were also there: Grandpa Mike, Georgia, Great Aunt Marilyn, and Great Great Aunt Mary. Great Grandma Lachnitt fell the day before and is still in the hospital with a possible broken tailbone. Great Aunt Leeanne stayed with her at the hospital. We missed them but understood and hope Grandma feels better soon. We had a nice picnic lunch with Gerhardt at the grill. Anneliese had a blast and got so many wonderful gifts. She loves them all! Last night she didn't know what to play with. She rode her Tricycle for quite a while with Emily pushing. She hasn't gotten the hang of pedaling yet but she is trying. She slept with her doll last night and this morning told me the doll was "ungy" and needed her bottle. She loves the Elmo doll and the books! Last night she played with all her puzzles. She can do the shapes one pretty well but has some work on the others to get them mastered. Last night she opened her gift from Great Grandma at the hospital, a tea set. She came home and sorted out the dishes and Gerhardt got his first taste of pretend tea. This morning she insisted on feeding her stuffed animals plastic food and even put some on her own tray. She has annoyed us by playing with the See and Say that uses Elmo's voice. Gerhardt keeps asking me why I bought that thing. I was thinking it would help her learn her shapes and colors but didn't realize it would be so annoying. It was a great day and she had a lot of fun. Oh yes and Aunt Lisa and Uncle Chris couldn't come because little Ethan is not ready to travel yet. They sent an inflatable Elmo in their place. I think she was a little scared of it though. I am going to take it to daycare on Tuesday, her actual birthday and I think the kids will like it a lot. Thank you everyone for celebrating with us! She is an awesome little girl. We are so blessed. Tomorrow I go back to school which will be difficult to leave her at daycare. She has a wonderful daycare provider though and I know she will be well taken care of. I am excited about my new job teaching 5th grade band. It will not be as much time and I think a lot of fun.

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