Saturday, August 22, 2009

Survived Kindergarten

I made it through the first week of going back to work and 2 days of helping out with kindergarten. Basically what I did was help label the kids supplies and babysit while the regular teacher took kids individually and tested their skills. We had half the class on Thurs and the other half on Fri. I could never teach kindergarten. The first day one boy cried off and on all day. He wouldn't do anything that was asked of him. At least I know Anne won't cry when she goes to kindergarten. She is very independent which is good. I think she will love kindergarten. Yesterday there were no criers in the classroom I was in but next door there was a kid SCREAMING worse than any infant I have heard, all morning. They finally got him calmed down at lunch because they let him sit with his older brother. When his brother took him back to his kindergarten class the screaming started again. That poor teacher, I talked to her before school started on Fri and she said the Thursday group was fabulous. She should not have said that. It is amazing to see the different levels of kids in the room. There were some very smart and well prepared kids and some that couldn't count to 10. How does the teacher deal with that? I have a great admiration for those teachers. The man whose classroom I was in has been teaching for close to 30 years and is very good. I was very impressed.

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