Monday, August 17, 2009

First day back to work

Where to start? First of all packing the bag for daycare and actually putting Anne in her car seat to go to daycare this morning was pretty difficult. When we got there she was very excited to see all the toys and the other kids. She sat in her chair and ate breakfast and didn't really care that Mommy was leaving her. I did okay walking away. If she had cried I would have but I held it together pretty well. Then I went to the Memorial Auditorium for the big District Rah Rah beginning of the year speech. At this point I am excited about my new job, new building and NO lunch duty. Our new superintendent could not be more boring. Our old one at least gave an entertaining first day speech. When that was finally over I went to North Hill for more meetings. Last week when I was in my room there was a desk, chair, 3 computers, flag, US map, World Map and a globe. Today there were NO computers, no phone, no piano. I did have my desk, chair, maps, flag, and my wonderful globe. For a while all I could do was rearrange my desk and chair and spin my globe. By the end of the day I had located a computer and phone and gotten them hooked up. Of course neither of them work but maybe tomorrow. The meeting at my new home school was great because my home school is the only school in our district to meet all the NCLB goals so it was a happy speech. Later we went through the handbooks and I noticed the Duty roster. You won't believe it. Yes, you guessed it, I was assigned LUNCH DUTY! I almost screamed. I tried to explain to my principal that I shouldn't have lunch duty as I will only be at that building one day a week. There were other teachers around and I don't think he understands my schedule. He asked, "how many schools are you going to?" I answered, "SIX" He looked surprised but said well, "When you are here you will have duty". I just sent him a lengthy email with a copy of the person who had my job last year's schedule explaining to him that she had no extra duties and ever other teacher in the district traveling to 3 or more schools does not have extra duties. Let's hope that makes a change. I did offer to help out for the first couple weeks until I start 5th grade lessons. I also found out the first couple of days when I thought I would have work time (which I need since my computer doesn't work NOW) I will be helping with kindergarten. I don't know what that means and am a little frightened.
I went to Anne's daycare over my lunch break. She didn't care that I was there. She did eventually bring me a book and sat in my lap to read. 3 other girls came and sat in front of me while I read. Anne got up to get another book when I was done with the first one and a little boy sat in my lap. She didn't seem to care. I scooted him over and put them both in my lap. Then the boy got bored and wandered off. I read another book and Anne went to play with other toys. Another little girl sat in my lap and I read to her for probably 5 minutes. When I needed to go back she gave me a hug but I couldn't get one from Anne. She didn't want to go home today either. I am glad she likes it there. I have to go back tomorrow at least I don't have lunch duty tomorrow.

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