Thursday, September 3, 2009

I wuv you!

When Anneliese crawled for the first time, Gerhardt was the only one in the room. When she took her first step it was for Daddy. Mommy was in the kitchen doing dishes or something. Last night as Gerhardt was leaving for play practice he told Anneliese she had to do 4 cute things for Mommy before she went to bed. As he shut the door to leave Anne yelled, "Bye, Bye Daddy, I wuv you!" That was all 4 cute things in one. Gerhardt didn't even hear it though. Mommy is still waiting for her "I wuv you."

Anne is becoming quite the singer. Her favorites are Twinkle, Twinkle and the Alphabet. She is getting closer on the Alphabet as far as getting the right letters. Her pitches have always been on. She sings all the time at home and I asked her daycare provider if she sings at daycare and she said she does. She also has taken a liking to the tuba. I need to get the pictures off of Gerhardt's camera.

School is going well for me. I am much happier in this job than I was at Oak Street. I have one more day of recruiting then the instrument trials begin for 2 weeks then finally I can start teaching.

Gerhardt is Linus in "Your a Good Man Charlie Brown" opening next week at the Player's Workshop. He says it will be better than a normal PW musical.

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