Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I do does not matter

Today I ran around to all my schools and of course my badge didn't work to get me into to ANY of them. The elementary buildings at least knew I was assigned there but the High School people were very confused. Trying to schedule elementary lessons will be interesting as many schools have started reading and math blocks. This is a time when EVERYONE teaches reading or math. This means no band lessons. When all the schools do this at the same time it makes my life difficult. I have one school to go to but 3 of them want all the lessons in the afternoon. Only one school has said morning is fine. In order to make this work I will have to put kids in larger groups and not have much to do in the morning. I can help out at the high school but why did they keep the 5th grade position if they won't let me do my job? I was very disheartened today. My phone kind of works. I can call out and receive calls but my voice mail doesn't work. My computer also kind of works. It works but my access to the proper district stuff is denied. I do not have a computer at 3 of my buildings. Have I mentioned how much I love the Burlington School District?

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