Saturday, September 26, 2009

I love you Mommy!

Tonight Anneliese put some letter magnets in a bowl, cooked them on her stove and brought them to me. She said, "Here Mommy, I love you." Awhh!!

I also bought her a new potty today. She is too tall for the other one now. I bought an Elmo potty that converts into a step stool and seat to put on the big toilet. She is doing well with the potty. She always poops on it and pees most of the time. We have had a couple dry days in a row but usually have only one wetting a day. Sometimes she just doesn't want to stop playing to go potty. I thought maybe the Elmo potty would be more fun for her. It talks. Elmo says he is proud of her when she goes and stupid stuff. It will probably drive us nuts. I really must be a parent now that I am blogging about a potty.

Yesterday I put Anne in one of her 24 month jean outfits for the first time and the pants were too short. Today I put her in another new pair of jeans 2T and they were too big around the waist and too long. Most of her 2T stuff is that way. She still fits in her 18 month stuff so I guess that is what she will wear. I was getting excited about her wearing some of her new stuff. I wish I had the problem that my pants were too big!

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