Saturday, September 26, 2009

busy week

We are finally all healthy again. Gerhardt was sick first, gave it to me, and then poor Anneliese got it and ended up with Croup. She finished the last of her antibiotics and steriods yesterday and is doing fine. She was home Monday and Tuesday but went back to daycare on Wednesday where Jamie took the kids to the pumpkin patch in Donnellson. I have never been there but I guess they have a bunch of games for kids. Anne had an absolute blast! Jamie said she played really hard and was asleep as soon as she put her in the car seat to go home. She wouldn't nap when they got back to Jamie's though. She was very crabby when I took her home but after eating her supper she went to her crib and asked to go to bed. I put her to bed and she slept until 7:00 the next morning! She had her first 2nd year molar come in on Thursday which made her especially cranky. She is fine now. She can almost sing the entire alphabet and picks up more phrases every day.

I started lessons this week and am having a lot of fun with the kids. There is one teacher who is very difficult to work with but luckily the rest of them are pretty flexible.

Gerhardt is in the last weekend of the play. Last night we took Rock Band to the cast party and that was a lot of fun.

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