Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ludwig is the best cat!

This morning Anne spent quite a bit of time chasing Wolfie around the house. I heard hissing and laughing and then either, "Wolfie is sad." or "Wolfie is scared." Yes, Anne leave him alone. After Wolfie finally found a good hiding place I walked into the living to see Ludwig completely wrapped in green tissue paper with only his head sticking out and Anne trying to pick him up. Ludwig wasn't fighting it at all. What a cat! Anne said, "Kitty wanted a blanket." I told her I didn't think the kitty wanted a blanket and got her distracted from him. He wore the tissue paper for a while before finally getting it off.

Anneliese is in the "kiss it and make it better" stage which is very cute. At least she doesn't cry when she falls. She will say, "I hurt my finger." I kiss it and it is better. Some hurts need multiple kisses. Now when Bear falls (or is dropped) I have to kiss him too.

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