Sunday, January 17, 2010

Anne and the Baby

Friday night we babysat for the orchestra teacher's 3 month old daughter, Annabelle. We were interested to see if Anneliese would share her toys and how she would react to the baby. When she first saw the baby she got very excited and said, "It's a BABY!" Annabelle dropped her binky and Anneliese immediately retrieved it and gave it back to her. Annabelle's mother told me she had eaten a little over an hour ago but Annabelle was acting hungry. She cried a little and Anneliese said, "Mommy, the baby is hungry" in a tone that said, "Get to work lady." I heated up the formula and Annabelle took it down immediately. Then she was happy. Anneliese brought a blanket for her, and different toys, she even shared her beloved bear. Anneliese didn't mind the baby in her bouncy seat or even in her crib later. She was a little disappointed when she tried to roll her the ball and the baby did not roll it back. She is going to be a great big sister, I hope. She has told me she wants her little sister to be a baby boy. She will get one of those.

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