Sunday, January 17, 2010

Car Shopping

Car Shopping has not been too bad so far. We went to Shottenkirk in Burlington and got a good salesman who was not pushy. He asked what we were looking for and since we really had no idea suggested we try 4 different cars. I let Gerhardt test drive them by himself to narrow down the field and so we didn't have to put a car seat and Anneliese in each trip. He tried a Kia Optima, Ford Fusion, Toyota Camry, and a Honda Accord. I think we are leaning toward the Fusion. Now we are just checking out prices and hopefully will have some new wheels soon.

Anne and the Baby

Friday night we babysat for the orchestra teacher's 3 month old daughter, Annabelle. We were interested to see if Anneliese would share her toys and how she would react to the baby. When she first saw the baby she got very excited and said, "It's a BABY!" Annabelle dropped her binky and Anneliese immediately retrieved it and gave it back to her. Annabelle's mother told me she had eaten a little over an hour ago but Annabelle was acting hungry. She cried a little and Anneliese said, "Mommy, the baby is hungry" in a tone that said, "Get to work lady." I heated up the formula and Annabelle took it down immediately. Then she was happy. Anneliese brought a blanket for her, and different toys, she even shared her beloved bear. Anneliese didn't mind the baby in her bouncy seat or even in her crib later. She was a little disappointed when she tried to roll her the ball and the baby did not roll it back. She is going to be a great big sister, I hope. She has told me she wants her little sister to be a baby boy. She will get one of those.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ludwig is the best cat!

This morning Anne spent quite a bit of time chasing Wolfie around the house. I heard hissing and laughing and then either, "Wolfie is sad." or "Wolfie is scared." Yes, Anne leave him alone. After Wolfie finally found a good hiding place I walked into the living to see Ludwig completely wrapped in green tissue paper with only his head sticking out and Anne trying to pick him up. Ludwig wasn't fighting it at all. What a cat! Anne said, "Kitty wanted a blanket." I told her I didn't think the kitty wanted a blanket and got her distracted from him. He wore the tissue paper for a while before finally getting it off.

Anneliese is in the "kiss it and make it better" stage which is very cute. At least she doesn't cry when she falls. She will say, "I hurt my finger." I kiss it and it is better. Some hurts need multiple kisses. Now when Bear falls (or is dropped) I have to kiss him too.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow day number 2

I am really not sure why we aren't school but it must be bad in the country but most of our students are in town. I don't know, no school and I realized yesterday I thought our make up day was going to be June 3, nope June 4. This one will be June 7. I won't be there. I will either have just had a baby or be very unhappy that baby has not come yet.
Anne and I ran a few errands this morning and had lunch with Daddy. She held up one of her french fries and said, "Mommy this is a fish pie." At first I was confused. I thought she was confused with her chicken strips then I realized she was mispronouncing french fry. She is growing and learning so much. I think she has actually put on some weight which is good in that she can finally wear her 2T clothes bad for pregnant Mommy who already has backaches and has to pick her up. She loves to sing and is constantly singing. I love it. She crawls up on the piano bench and pounds on the keys while singing. Sometimes it is a real song and sometimes it is completely made up. One night she was making up a song and Gerhardt and were dying laughing on the couch because it was so funny. She stopped, looked at us, and said, "That was a good song!" She loves to read books and many of our books she can now read to herself because she knows them by heart. She can recognize her letters most of the time and knows what sounds they make. I know my daycare provider works with the kids a lot on this. She is not as good at her numbers. She can count to twenty but doesn't recognize the written numbers as well. She loves to hug her stuffed animals and Ludwig. Wolfie still runs in fear. Ludwig gets so much love that he really doesn't want. Sometimes we hear Anne yelling, "Ludwig (actually she says Wudvig) come back!" She is sleeping in her big girl bed most of the time and has figured out she can get out of it and play with toys on her own. She doesn't get out at night but naptime is interesting. One day I told her I would be back to check on her and if she wasn't in bed Mommy would be mad. Well, when I checked on her she was in bed. She had 4 puzzles and several other toys on the bed and was having a great time but she was on the bed and hadn't left it. She could reach all those things from her bed. Now, I have to say Mommy will check if you are napping. Sometimes she is out of bed and makes a mad dive for the bed like I won't notice or something. Today she was very tired and went to sleep right away though.