Saturday, September 26, 2009

I love you Mommy!

Tonight Anneliese put some letter magnets in a bowl, cooked them on her stove and brought them to me. She said, "Here Mommy, I love you." Awhh!!

I also bought her a new potty today. She is too tall for the other one now. I bought an Elmo potty that converts into a step stool and seat to put on the big toilet. She is doing well with the potty. She always poops on it and pees most of the time. We have had a couple dry days in a row but usually have only one wetting a day. Sometimes she just doesn't want to stop playing to go potty. I thought maybe the Elmo potty would be more fun for her. It talks. Elmo says he is proud of her when she goes and stupid stuff. It will probably drive us nuts. I really must be a parent now that I am blogging about a potty.

Yesterday I put Anne in one of her 24 month jean outfits for the first time and the pants were too short. Today I put her in another new pair of jeans 2T and they were too big around the waist and too long. Most of her 2T stuff is that way. She still fits in her 18 month stuff so I guess that is what she will wear. I was getting excited about her wearing some of her new stuff. I wish I had the problem that my pants were too big!

I love

Anne has told Daddy she loves him and yesterday told me "I love shoes!". Still no "I love you" for Mommy however she has told Daddy she loves Mommy.

busy week

We are finally all healthy again. Gerhardt was sick first, gave it to me, and then poor Anneliese got it and ended up with Croup. She finished the last of her antibiotics and steriods yesterday and is doing fine. She was home Monday and Tuesday but went back to daycare on Wednesday where Jamie took the kids to the pumpkin patch in Donnellson. I have never been there but I guess they have a bunch of games for kids. Anne had an absolute blast! Jamie said she played really hard and was asleep as soon as she put her in the car seat to go home. She wouldn't nap when they got back to Jamie's though. She was very crabby when I took her home but after eating her supper she went to her crib and asked to go to bed. I put her to bed and she slept until 7:00 the next morning! She had her first 2nd year molar come in on Thursday which made her especially cranky. She is fine now. She can almost sing the entire alphabet and picks up more phrases every day.

I started lessons this week and am having a lot of fun with the kids. There is one teacher who is very difficult to work with but luckily the rest of them are pretty flexible.

Gerhardt is in the last weekend of the play. Last night we took Rock Band to the cast party and that was a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Annual Daddy/Daughter pics

Gerhardt took a picture of Anneliese's hand in his on her original birthday and plans on taking one every year like that on her birthday. He almost forgot this year so it was a few days late.
Daddy getting hugs and kisses. Anneliese is not a real hugger. She will pat you on the back once in a while but isn't a fan of giving hugs. She is very independent and usually has something better to do!
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Late posting of Anne's birthday pics

Elmo cupcakes I made to take to daycare!

We went to the park on her actual birthday

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Anneliese's First Tuba lesson

I brought instruments I hadn't played in a while home to practice before I demonstrated to the 5th graders. She didn't care about the trumpet and horn and wanted me to put away the Euphonium but went nuts over the tuba and wanted to try to play it. She hums into the mouthpiece and I think she thinks she IS playing it. She even put her fingers on the valves and tried moving them while she was humming into it!

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

I wuv you!

When Anneliese crawled for the first time, Gerhardt was the only one in the room. When she took her first step it was for Daddy. Mommy was in the kitchen doing dishes or something. Last night as Gerhardt was leaving for play practice he told Anneliese she had to do 4 cute things for Mommy before she went to bed. As he shut the door to leave Anne yelled, "Bye, Bye Daddy, I wuv you!" That was all 4 cute things in one. Gerhardt didn't even hear it though. Mommy is still waiting for her "I wuv you."

Anne is becoming quite the singer. Her favorites are Twinkle, Twinkle and the Alphabet. She is getting closer on the Alphabet as far as getting the right letters. Her pitches have always been on. She sings all the time at home and I asked her daycare provider if she sings at daycare and she said she does. She also has taken a liking to the tuba. I need to get the pictures off of Gerhardt's camera.

School is going well for me. I am much happier in this job than I was at Oak Street. I have one more day of recruiting then the instrument trials begin for 2 weeks then finally I can start teaching.

Gerhardt is Linus in "Your a Good Man Charlie Brown" opening next week at the Player's Workshop. He says it will be better than a normal PW musical.