Sunday, August 22, 2010

first week of school

Monday morning I went back to work. I was ready to go back actually. I told Anne Sunday night that she was going to Jamie's the next day. She was up before 6, got her own clothes out of the dresser and pretty much dressed herself. She was ready to go around 6:30 and kept telling me we needed to leave now. I was still in my jammies. I got everyone packed up and to Jamie's with no tears. It was much easier dropping off Kiefer for the first time for 2 reasons. First of all I know Jamie now and know she will take excellent care of my kids. I don't think there is anyone on earth I trust more than her. Secondly, I knew I was only going back to work part time and wouldn't be away from them as much as before. I need to get away from them for awhile. I did warn Jamie that Anne strongly resists naps now. I got to work on time!

We had a motivational speaker and I was impressed with the first day's presentation and pretty pumped about the new school year. When I went to pick up the kids I asked how things went. Jamie said Anne was the first one asleep at nap time and had no problems at all. I asked Jamie to come live with us. Kiefer only took an ounce of his bottle in the morning and nothing in the afternoon. I fed him at lunch time. Otherwise he did fine too. She said he didn't fuss but just refused the bottle. When I put Anne in the car she cried, "Mommy I want to stay at Jamie's and play with my friends!" This was after I asked if she missed Mommy today. She did say yes. I am glad she is so happy there.

Tuesday I learned of some new policies and the new middle school schedule. It is horrible! Kids cannot take band and choir. They have to choose and they only get it every third day. Everywhere else in the state has middle school band at least every other day if not every day. Several good kids quit band because they chose choir. The choir took an even bigger hit. This is all because one of our middle schools was labeled one of the 35 worst schools in the state because of ITBS scores. They eliminated study hall which used to be opposite band and choir so they could have longer periods for math and reading. The students who do not take band or choir take general music. Why are we punishing the music kids? They are the ones with the high ITBS scores. I could comment more but will refrain from doing so. My friend Mary who teaches general music referred to me as "having my panties on fire" over the situation. I came home rather dissolutioned on the second day of school.

Wednesday I was supposed to work a half day and it was Anne's birthday. In order to get everything done before open house I worked almost a full day. I was yelled at by Mary and Gerhardt for doing so but promise not to make it a habit. I also found out the new middle school band director has TWO lunch duties. He has an hour of lunch duty every single day. I am so glad I did not take that job!

Thursday and Friday I had off. It was weird not going to school on the first day of school. It was fine though. My schedule has not been established yet. It will be fairly random for the first few weeks while I am recruiting. I got that all set up on Wednesday.

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