Sunday, August 22, 2010

3 year check

Anneliese had her 3 year well child check up on Thursday. She is very healthy and actually gained a pound. She has been 30 pounds for about 9 months but now she tips the scales at 31 pounds. She is in the 50% for height and 35% for weight. She has far surpassed all the cognitive development milestones. Can she count to 4? She can count to 30 some days but at least to 20. Does she know 3 colors. She knows a lot of colors even some obsure ones. I don't really think Anne is exceptional because her friends can do those things too. The only milestone she hasn't reached is she can't ride her tricycle. She just can't seem to get her little legs to push the pedal down. The doctor was not worried and said that was more of a 4 year old milestone anyway.

I told the doctor about the allergy test and my doubts about the findings. He said he had a letter from the allergist and went to get it. The allergist is foreign and very difficult to understand but I am still not sure what is going on. The findings he told the doctor were very different than what he told me. He said Anneliese is definitely very allergic to milk. He also stated that her egg allergy seems to be going away but not completely gone. He stated that she is definitely not allergic to wheat and mushrooms which was inconclusive in the test 2 years ago. He then stated results for peanuts and cats were inconclusive. He did go on to say that he believed her wheezing and coughing was caused by her cat allergy and the cats should be removed. She doesn't wheeze or cough! He then stated that the cat allergy may be contributing to flare ups of her eczema although that is unlikely. Anneliese's doctor is obviously a cat lover and told me not to worry about it. He didn't see any reason to get rid of the cats. He said most allergists tell people to get rid of cats no matter what. If she does start wheezing or coughing we will have to do something. I told him we bought an air purifier and he asked if that was helping anything. We haven't had it long enough to really tell. The thing is we have it set on automatic and it runs on the lowest setting most of the time and says the air is clean. Either our purifier isn't very good or our house wasn't too bad to start with. Seriously I would think there would be a lot of cat dander in the air with our 2 big hairy cats. That is where we are with that.

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