Monday, July 19, 2010

Food allergies and doctor's appointments

I have been wondering if Anneliese has outgrown her egg allergy because she has accidentally eaten things with mayonaise in them when we were at other people's houses and had no reaction. I tried to feed her scrambled eggs last week but she told me she couldn't eat them because they would make her sick. I taught her too well. I made french toast with soy milk the next day and she loved it. She ate 2 pieces. I think she got the equivalent to a whole egg and no reaction. YEAH! I have to put her through the allergy test again though before the doctor can give her any vaccinations grown in eggs. I know now it should be worth it. The milk allergy however is still very strong. Anne has baked goods with milk in it without any problem but last night she had a cookie at muni band. I tasted it first and no peanut taste so I thought it would be okay. We got home and she started wheezing, coughing and having trouble breathing. It really wasn't her normal milk reaction so I thought maybe she got a peanut. I called the lady who made the cookies and asked. She said no peanuts or peanut butter. She told me exactly what was in the cookies. She said milk and real butter. That may have been it. I make cookies with vegetable oil margarine and she does Jamie. It was a scary reaction. We gave her Benadryl but Gerhardt took her to the ER. I was nursing Kiefer and came when he was done. Gerhardt said she was a little better by the time they got to the ER but still thought she should be checked out. By the time the doctor got to her she was perfectly fine. The Benadryl did the trick. Gerhardt said he felt pretty silly but better safe than sorry. I told Anneliese's doctor that once and he told me to never feel silly for checking things out! By the time I got to the ER she was fine, bouncing off the walls because it was way past her bedtime. The ER doctor did prescribe some steroids just in case but I don't think they are necessary. I will give them to her just in case. She is supposed to see her regular doctor in a couple of days to follow up. I guess I will call and ask he really thinks she needs to come in. I hope Kiefer doesn't have these allergies too. They are just too scary. Gerhardt was freaked out and he never freaks out!

Speaking of Kiefer, he had his 2 month check up and is perfectly fine. He is 11 pounds 7 oz. He was 50% in weight and height. He did not enjoy his shots and screamed bloody murder. Anne barely cried when she had hers and she usually was fine afterward. He whined all afternoon. They are different kids. Let's hope he is different with the food allergies too.

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