Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sheet tent

Anneliese and Daddy are having a great time with their sheet tent. Anne gets in it and goes crazy. She gets even more excited when the kitties get in it too. She now says that she is a kitty too.

She told our daycare provider yesterday she was having a little sister. She has said that before but then says her little sister will be a baby boy. Yesterday she said it will be a baby girl. We don't know and won't find out until the baby is bo

My job is on the final cut list for budget cuts. The superintendent is considering letting me keep my job part time though. I have not heard back from him and it has been almost a week so I don't know. They are not eliminating 5th grade band however just a teacher. As it is worded now that teacher is me but if they change the wording to a band director it will not be me. The high school director is pushing for them to do that. Then I will teach at Aldo Leopold, the new middle school that I helped design and do half of my current job. That will be a lot so I don't think they could possibly give me lunch duty but who knows.

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