Monday, March 29, 2010

Crazy children and weird places to sleep

I had a doctor's appointment today and since we are on spring break I took Anne along. When the nurse found the heartbeat I told Anne that was the baby she was hearing. She said, "The baby is crazy!" The nurse got a kick out of that!
Everything was good at the appointment. I passed the glucose screening with flying colors and the baby is no longer in breech position. I measured exactly what I should. I am one pound lighter than I was the day I delivered Anneliese. That was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Oh boy, I am afraid of how big I may be by June!

Anneliese has taken to sleeping on the floor since we took her binkies away. She gets out of bed and curls up on a tiny pillow on the floor. It is always in the same spot between her toy box and her play kitchen. She slept there all last night, for her nap today and is sleeping there again tonight. I just make sure she has plenty of blankets to keep her warm. I guess we didn't need to buy her a bed.

I am having trouble sleeping already. I just can't get comfortable or stay comfortable. All the extra weight is causing me hip and back pain. That is why I am blogging at 1 am. I have a little more than 2 months left too. I may try sleeping in the chair since I tend to fall asleep there when I don't want to.

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