Monday, March 29, 2010

Crazy children and weird places to sleep

I had a doctor's appointment today and since we are on spring break I took Anne along. When the nurse found the heartbeat I told Anne that was the baby she was hearing. She said, "The baby is crazy!" The nurse got a kick out of that!
Everything was good at the appointment. I passed the glucose screening with flying colors and the baby is no longer in breech position. I measured exactly what I should. I am one pound lighter than I was the day I delivered Anneliese. That was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Oh boy, I am afraid of how big I may be by June!

Anneliese has taken to sleeping on the floor since we took her binkies away. She gets out of bed and curls up on a tiny pillow on the floor. It is always in the same spot between her toy box and her play kitchen. She slept there all last night, for her nap today and is sleeping there again tonight. I just make sure she has plenty of blankets to keep her warm. I guess we didn't need to buy her a bed.

I am having trouble sleeping already. I just can't get comfortable or stay comfortable. All the extra weight is causing me hip and back pain. That is why I am blogging at 1 am. I have a little more than 2 months left too. I may try sleeping in the chair since I tend to fall asleep there when I don't want to.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aquaphilic Ointment

We put Aquaphilic Ointment on Anne every night before bed for her Ezcema. I leave the jar by the bed. We call putting the ointment on "getting goopy". Friday night she must have been bored. About an hour after she went to bed I heard crying. I went in her room to she a little girl covered in "goopy". She was saying, "I made a big mess!" At first I was horrified by the mess but then had to laugh. I let the child sit and cry while I looked for the camera because it was hilarious. The entire left side of her face was caked with white ointment. Her binky was even covered. It was all over her jammes, sheets and pillow. Of course there was some on the floor too. Unfortunately I could not find the camera but got the girl cleaned up. She managed to empty most of an almost full jar or ointment. Now that is no longer stored by her bed.
I am trying to break her of her binky this week. She doesn't need it. If we have a babysitter she goes to sleep without it. She hasn't used one at daycare most of the school year but demands one at home. I told her the binky fairy came and took the binkies to a little baby who needed them because big girls like her don't need binkies anymore. I don't think she bought it. She cries for a while but then goes to sleep so I am hoping she will be over it by the time my Spring Break is over. She had been driving me nuts because she loses it in the night and then cries until I come find it. She has woken me up more in the last month then she did as a tiny baby so I decided that was enough of the binky!
Today, Anne went with Gerhardt's Aunts to Cedar Rapids. She had fun. I asked her what she did and who she saw. She said she saw cows and a farm house. I think that was on the way home. She did eventually tell me she saw Ethan and Ali, popped bubbles, went on the swings and slides with Emily, and then something about dancing that didn't make any sense. I had a list of things I wanted to get done while the child was not here to bother me. I only got one of those things done which was make reeds but at least I got that done. Next time someone offeres to take Anneliese, I need to send the cats along too. They kept trying to help the process along.
This week I have to get the baby's room ready and get some serious cleaning done. Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sheet tent

Anneliese and Daddy are having a great time with their sheet tent. Anne gets in it and goes crazy. She gets even more excited when the kitties get in it too. She now says that she is a kitty too.

She told our daycare provider yesterday she was having a little sister. She has said that before but then says her little sister will be a baby boy. Yesterday she said it will be a baby girl. We don't know and won't find out until the baby is bo

My job is on the final cut list for budget cuts. The superintendent is considering letting me keep my job part time though. I have not heard back from him and it has been almost a week so I don't know. They are not eliminating 5th grade band however just a teacher. As it is worded now that teacher is me but if they change the wording to a band director it will not be me. The high school director is pushing for them to do that. Then I will teach at Aldo Leopold, the new middle school that I helped design and do half of my current job. That will be a lot so I don't think they could possibly give me lunch duty but who knows.