Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sickly weekend

Our apple tree in the backyard was full of apples. I wanted to can some applesauce but when do I have time? I planned on a taking half of a personal day on Friday, leaving Anneliese at daycare and doing it then. Hopefully getting the apples picked Thursday night after school. Thursday night Anne got sick. I was home Friday afternoon but caring for a sick little girl who had a fever for a long time and was pretty miserable. Her fever got to 104.7 Friday night which scared me half to death but the doctor said was okay for a child her age. The fever broke by Sat. morning. and she is feeling better. Gerhardt started feeling crappy yesterday and has pretty much stayed in bed all day today. They have different symptoms. I hope I don't get it now. A lot of kids have been gone from school, some have H1N1 others just colds. One school had 70 kids absent on Friday. The schools told population is under 400.
Today I got the winter coats and clothes out of the attic. YUCK!

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