Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tonight Gerhardt is out of town for work so it is just me and Anneliese tonight. We came home and I was exhausted. I wanted to rest and Anne wanted to go, go, go. I tried to drug her with Sesame Street. She said, "No, Sesame Street!" She LOVES Sesame Street so I thought once it started she would be happy but she wasn't. She said, "Push button to stop!" then she said, "Watch Jeopardy!" Gerhardt always watches Jeopardy when he gets home. Anne watched Jeopardy instead of Sesame Street! She didn't actually watch she just went from toy to toy but it was on in the background. She likes to sing the theme song.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Anneliese's fever came back on Sunday. I took her to the doctor on Monday and he though it was H1N1. They don't do labs to confirm unless you are hospitalized so we will never know for sure. She is supposed to stay home until she is fever free and feeling well without drugs for 24 hours. Her fever was gone this morning but she is still really tired and not feeling herself. I think it will be another day or two at least. She started this last Thursday.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sickly weekend

Our apple tree in the backyard was full of apples. I wanted to can some applesauce but when do I have time? I planned on a taking half of a personal day on Friday, leaving Anneliese at daycare and doing it then. Hopefully getting the apples picked Thursday night after school. Thursday night Anne got sick. I was home Friday afternoon but caring for a sick little girl who had a fever for a long time and was pretty miserable. Her fever got to 104.7 Friday night which scared me half to death but the doctor said was okay for a child her age. The fever broke by Sat. morning. and she is feeling better. Gerhardt started feeling crappy yesterday and has pretty much stayed in bed all day today. They have different symptoms. I hope I don't get it now. A lot of kids have been gone from school, some have H1N1 others just colds. One school had 70 kids absent on Friday. The schools told population is under 400.
Today I got the winter coats and clothes out of the attic. YUCK!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Anne at Oktoberfest

Last night Gerhardt and I were supposed to play with Herbie's Little German Band at Oktoberfest in Burlington. We were going to take Anne to some friends of ours who have a 2 year old and a 5 year old. We were running late. We told them we would drop her off around 3:30. We were supposed to play at 4:00. Well, it was 3:45 when we got there and no one was home. I think they forgot! I am not sure what happened. So, we had to take Anne with us. I thought we would just take turns playing. I told Mike I would try playing with her on my lap but didn't think she would stand that for too long. I was wrong. She sat on my lap for 45 minutes then went to Gerhardt for 20 minutes. What a good little girl! It was interesting trying to play with her in my lap and I took some of the notes down an octave so I wouldn't damage her hearing. The man from the newspaper took her picture and asked what her name was but it wasn't in the paper today. Oh well, I was worried I would be puffing my cheeks or something a band teacher shouldn't be doing. They fed us for free and I filled my plate but didn't get to eat much of it. Anne is a true German girl. She loves Sauerkraut and German Potato Salad. She ate most of mine as well as all of the applesauce. I got a pork chop and a piece of strudel. Then she danced to the music and had way too much fun! Gerhardt works with the newspaper photographer's wife and is going to see if he can get the picture. There were many other pictures taken also last night.