Monday, October 4, 2010


This past week was horrible at school. I don't even want to discuss it. I can sum it up like this. We have "Teacher Quality Day" on Thursday but we truly need an "Administrator Quality Day". Enough said about that. I was so upset I wanted to resign. Gerhardt was supposed to be gone for the weekend installing computers and stuff in a new branch in Des Moines. Since I don't work on Friday and they put him up in the Marriott he asked if I would like to get away and go with him. He may have regretted asking that because I know he planned on leaving yet Thursday afternoon but I had to pack and packing for myself and the 2 children on short notice took awhile. Not to mention Anne had an allergic reaction to something before we left and we almost took her to the hospital. Luckily the Benadryll took care of it. It was late Thursday night when we arrived at the Marriott. We had a King size bed. It was big enough for Gerhardt and I and Anneliese. Sleeping in the same bed as Anne is very dangerous but the bed was big enough I didn't get kicked at all. It was very comfy. Gerhardt went to work on Friday and Anne and I hit the pool. Baby Kiefer sat in the stroller and fell asleep. Anne had a blast. We had to get out when Kiefer woke up and started crying. Luckily he took a long morning nap. Then we had to walk somewhere for lunch. How I wished I could use my sit and stand stroller but that again is another infuriating story. I used the single stroller and for the first time Anne's backpack leash. I usually just tell her to stay close to Mommy and she does but there is a lot more traffic in Des Moines so I didn't chance it. We enjoyed lunch at Perkins (pancakes with sprinkles are Anne's favorite). Then we went back to the hotel for a nap. At first I didn't think it was going to happen but Anne realized she could get her sleeping bag in the closet and wanted to sleep in there. She went to sleep and so did Kiefer so I actually got a nap. After the nap was supper followed by more time in the pool. Daddy took Kiefer so I could concentrate on Anne who has no fear in the water. We all slept pretty good that night. We got up and Anne and I went for one more swim. Gerhardt thought he would be done shortly after noon and we would go home. He met us to check out and go for lunch. He told me it would take him an hour, 2 tops. Well, problems arose and we were stuck in the office building for many hours. Anne entertained herself by coloring and running around the empty hallways. She finally fell asleep in my lap and I laid her down in one of the offices. Gerhardt then informed me I should look for a place for us to stay that night because it was going to be a while. He was waiting for someone to call him back. They finally called around 6 to say someone else would have to call him in the morning. The Marriott was booked with a corporate rate. Even though we will be reimbursed by the company we had to look for a cheap hotel. I found a place that looked interesting. It was a Budget Inn and it had an attacked German restaurant. It also had a pool. When we got there the restaurant was closed, the place was pretty run down and the indoor pool was an outdoor pool with a shed around it. We did swim a little but it was really cold so even Anne admitted she wanted to get out. The next morning someone was supposed to call at 10 Eastern time. Well, they got confused and waited until 10 our time. Gerhardt could then finish what he had to do. At 12:30 we finally left, got lunch and started home. We got back around 7. Anne and Kiefer slept very well as did Gerhardt and I. Poor Gerhardt had to drive back today and is staying the night tonight. He just called that he is finally done and will drive home tomorrow morning. It was a fun weekend even if I made it sound horrible. I was away from school and the household chores and I really needed that.

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