Monday, May 31, 2010

Kiefer Josef Lachnitt is here!

Yes, I am a little late posting this but Kiefer Josef Lachnitt was born Monday, May 17, 2010 at 10:50 AM. He weighed 7 pounds 5 1/2 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. He was 27 days early but is healthy! I was getting very big and uncomfortable and kept telling people this baby was going to be huge and I hoped it came early! Monday morning I woke up and felt icky and thought I don't want to go to school but then thought I had better get up and go. This was 6 am and as I started to get up my water broke. I guess I am not going to school today after all I thought! I had felt contractions but they were very irregular and didn't really hurt so I didn't think I was in labor. I told Gerhardt but also told him I thought we had plenty of time. I took a shower and told him he would have time to do the same. I didn't have time to get a sub for school so I just called in and said no band today, I am having a baby! We got to the hospital about 7:30 am. I was already at 5 cm and 100% effaced. I was having regular contractions but wasn't feeling all of them, only the big ones. I told them I wanted an epidural. They said there might not be time, I had to have a bag of fluids via IV first. I got the bag and they said we could try the epidural. I had the catheder put in and the contractions were getting painful. They gave me one dose of medicine and it did nothing to help the pain. I asked the nurse if they could give me more and she said, "you are going to feel much better real soon. I am going to get Dr. Hays and you are going to have a baby." Dr. Hays came in and I pushed 5 times and he was here! I couldn't believe it! First of all the ultrasound tech told the nurse after I left the room but was still in ear shot that it was a girl so I was a little surprised it was a boy. I didn't tell anyone what I overheard because I didn't want to spoil the surprise and wasn't sure she was talking about me. Anneliese had been 10 days overdue, I had to be induced, had 10 hours of labor and 3 hours and 13 minutes of pushing. I felt horrible the next day. With Kiefer, 27 days early, 3 hours of labor, 10 minutes of pushing and I felt great 2 hours later. Kiefer was a little jaundice so we had to have daily blood tests for a while but he wasn't bad enough to be hospitalized. He sleeps a lot and is doing pretty good at night. He sleeps for 3-4 hours at night. Anneliese has had trouble sleeping with all the changes in her life. She did sleep through the night last night which was good. She is adjusting well. She loves her baby brother. She wants a lot of Mommy attention but that is understandable.

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