Monday, December 7, 2009

Anne is a weird kid!

Anne loves celery but won't eat chocolate chip cookies. She sometimes wants to go to bed. The weirdest thing though is she seems to love the hospital. Yesterday morning she woke up and was having trouble breathing. I called the doctor thinking it was another asthma attack and got some medicine for the nebulizer. She got slightly better after the treatments but had a really nasty cough and some other symptoms she didn't have before so we took her to the ER. I said something a couple of times that maybe we should go to the hospital and she said, "Go to Hospital, Want this!" Finally we did. She was pretty miserable when we left home. When we got there they gave her another breathing treatment and an oral steroid and she was fine. She took the medicine right down and was excited about taking it. She ran around having the best time. They did a chest x-ray which last time brought on crying and screaming but yesterday giggles. She got stickers for being so good and felt great by the time we left. The diagnosis was Bronchialitis, a virus way into the lungs that makes them inflamed and therefore makes it hard to breathe. We continue with breathing treatments and liquid steroids for the next week. I have to keep her home from daycare until her cough is gone. She felt great today and I think I have caught it. I am hoping for a storm and no school for the next 2 days so I don't have to take sick days!

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