Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anneliese's first trip to the ER

Anneliese had her first trip to the ER on Sunday. Saturday night after her bath she seemed really stuffed up. I was a little concerned but thought she just had a cold. Sunday morning she was making a whistling noise as she took a breath. At first it was real quiet. I called the doctor and he said to take her to the ER if it got worse and definitely bring her in to his office on Monday if I didn't take her to the ER. The whistling got louder so you could hear it across the room. I took Anne outside to tell Gerhardt what the doctor said and she was starting to grunt. We took her to the ER. She was happy and running around like nothing was wrong. She obviously wasn't sick. The doctor said it was either an asthma attack or she had swallowed a toy. They gave her a breathing treatment and did a chest x ray. Anne enjoyed neither of these and proved she could still scream and cry loudly. The x ray showed nothing so the doctor called it an acute respiratory attack. He said they don't label kids with asthma under 5 because some children will have a couple attacks and that is it. They sent home a nebulizer and I gave her breathing treatments every 4 hours. She hated the mask they sent but will suck on the tube like an adult. She has seen Grandma Borchardt do this. It is still easier to do while she is asleep. We are weaning her off the treatments and soon will not have to do any more. She has one more dose of steroids to take.

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