Tuesday, July 28, 2009

These cats are full grown and live in Southern Africa. They look like kittens. Anneliese got very excited about them. The only thing she was more excited about were the tiny monkeys playing.
Anneliese really liked the Gorillas but didn't want to get too close to them.
The highlight of the day, Grandpa Mike gave her money for a treat at the zoo before we left. She had a frozen Strawberry Lemonade and it was yummy!
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I am not sure what she is looking at.
Anneliese was less than thrilled with this photo op.
Peacocks were everywhere!
Walking in Zoo
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Ostrich at Henry Doorly Zoo
There was lots of pointing
Polar bear exhibit maybe. She didn't care about the other bears but really liked the Polar Bear.
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I am trying to post our pictures from our vacation this year. For some reason I haven't figured out how to post more than 4 at a time. Our vacation was actually a trip to Sioux City for a wedding and we decided to go to Omaha to the Zoo on our way. We knew we would have to stop several times on the way home so Gerhardt found a website that listed tourist attractions in Iowa. In this we found Trinity Heights in Sioux City, The Castles of Ida Grove in which there are several businesses that are in buildings that look like castles, Albert the Bull, and Gerhardt's favorite The Tree in the Middle of the Road.
The Castles of Ida Grove
Albert the Bull, Audubon, IA
Happy Traveler
Tree in the Middle of the Road Audubon County, IA near I-80. The story is a man stuck his walking stick in the middle of this intersection and the stick grew into a tree.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Vacation 2009

Fun with Hotel curtains

Trinity Heights, Sioux City, IA
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anneliese's first trip to the ER

Anneliese had her first trip to the ER on Sunday. Saturday night after her bath she seemed really stuffed up. I was a little concerned but thought she just had a cold. Sunday morning she was making a whistling noise as she took a breath. At first it was real quiet. I called the doctor and he said to take her to the ER if it got worse and definitely bring her in to his office on Monday if I didn't take her to the ER. The whistling got louder so you could hear it across the room. I took Anne outside to tell Gerhardt what the doctor said and she was starting to grunt. We took her to the ER. She was happy and running around like nothing was wrong. She obviously wasn't sick. The doctor said it was either an asthma attack or she had swallowed a toy. They gave her a breathing treatment and did a chest x ray. Anne enjoyed neither of these and proved she could still scream and cry loudly. The x ray showed nothing so the doctor called it an acute respiratory attack. He said they don't label kids with asthma under 5 because some children will have a couple attacks and that is it. They sent home a nebulizer and I gave her breathing treatments every 4 hours. She hated the mask they sent but will suck on the tube like an adult. She has seen Grandma Borchardt do this. It is still easier to do while she is asleep. We are weaning her off the treatments and soon will not have to do any more. She has one more dose of steroids to take.