Thursday, June 17, 2010

Big Boy and broken strollers

Kiefer is one month old today. He is a big boy. He weighs 9 pounds and 3 oz. and is 21 inches long. Yesterday at the breastfeeding clinic there were 2 other babies that were a month old and Kiefer looked huge compared to them. He likes to eat!

Anneliese got a stroller from Kiefer as her big sister gift when he was born. She loves it and pushes it around everywhere. Yesterday I tripped over a toy in her room and ended up putting my foot through the stroller. Anneliese cried and I felt terrible. We had errands to run so I told her I would try to fix it later. Everyone we met she told, "Mommy broke my stroller." Last night it was on my to do list but I was finishing the laundry and feeding Kiefer so Gerhardt fixed the stroller. This morning Anne was very happy and said, "Mommy fixed my stroller!" I told her Daddy did it but I guess Gerhardt had told her I fixed it. It doesn't matter it is fixed and everyone is happy now.