Friday, April 30, 2010

Steroids = tired Mommy

Anneliese had another asthma attack yesterday so we have another round of steroids and breathing treatments. The doctor thought she might have a little pneumonia too. Yesterday she was miserable so I stayed home from school today. Today she is fine. She is absolutely crazy hyper. She did not nap. I tried even laying down with her on her bed. I feel asleep but was awaken by her jumping on me. She is laying on the floor now. I don't know if she is finally tired or if she is just mad because she put her nebulizer mask on Ludwig and I took it off.

Yesterday was the big day for pink slips in the school district. If you were reassigned you were notified earlier. I got a lovely letter stating that I was reassigned elementary vocal music at Sunnyside Elementary. I was less than thrilled. The school board had not voted on the cuts yet but for some reason the union decided to go ahead and reassign people. The board did vote on Monday night and 5th grade band was not eliminated. It was put to part time though. I had to apply for the job. No one else wants it so it isn't a big deal. I was just annoyed. 28 1/2 positions were cut Monday night as well as a one million dollar property tax increase. Of course the teacher's union is asking for a raise so they had to add that million dollars into the budget even though negotiations are not over. 20 of those positions cut could be saved if the union would have taken the districts offer of a salary freeze. Many districts in the area are getting a pay cut. I would have been very happy with a salary freeze. Now I will get only half my salary and no benefits. Thank you BEA! I complained to one the union heads about being the band director cut even though I am not the least senior and definitely not the weakest link. He told me, "I am sorry you are not getting your plum job back next year but be happy you have a job. You just need to learn to adapt." I haven't ever had to adapt before in the other 2 times I was reassigned because of some stupid union rule. (sarcasm) My plum job of traveling to 6 schools in the 5 days! What kind of fruit is my job now that I have to go to all those schools in 2.5 days?

I am at 33 weeks in my pregnancy and ready to have this baby! I don't sleep well already and am so tired. Speaking of tired, Anneliese is asleep on the living room floor. I guess she needed a nap after all. Of course it is time for a breathing treatment now. Back to the baby, everything is good there. With Anneliese I measured small at most appointments but with this one I am measuring big. I hope that just means this one will come earlier, not that it is going to be huge!