Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Mommy, Anneliese, and Aunt Marilyn going to Grandma's house.
Trick or trcating is over.
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Halloween 2009

I still haven't got the hang of this program. I thought I downloaded 6 pictures but oh well. Anneliese had fun on Halloween trick or treating. She liked being a ladybug. We borrowed the costume from a friend. We didn't go many places but she had a good time. Our first stop was Aunt Marilyn, then Great Aunt Mary and of course Grandma. Since Anneliese is allergic to everything they gave her money. They didn't need to give her anything but that worked. We also stopped at Marcia Korb's where a dog jumped on Anneliese and scared her but she survived. She loved the Priebe's porch too. Our last stop was Aunt Leeanne's where Aunt Leeanne had a special trick or treat present for her, a book! Anneliese obviously is very comfortable there because she started taking off her costume when we got in the door and wanted to stay a while. She had a fun night!

Halloween 2009

The back of Anneliese's Ladybug costume.

What a cute face. She was excited about being a ladybug.

Leaving to go trick or treating.
Here is a happy ladybug!
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